+$1'3+21(# 606
What is SMS?.................................................................. 4
Required equipment......................................................... 5
Installation........................................................................ 5
Getting started ................................................................6
Starting HandPHONE SMS ............................................. 6
Basic settings................................................................... 6
Connection types ............................................................. 7
Using SMS .......................................................................9
Retrieving messages ....................................................... 9
Leaving originals on the phone................................. 11
Sending messages ........................................................ 11
Configuration............................................................. 11
Writing and sending messages ................................ 13
Manipulating messages ................................................. 15
Incoming messages.................................................. 15
Outgoing/sent messages.......................................... 16
Outbox ...................................................................... 16
Draft Folder............................................................... 16
Sent folder................................................................. 16
Error messages ............................................................. 17
Index ..............................................................................20
4 2
SMS stands for Short Messaging Service - a standardized protocol for
exchanging electronic text messages using GSM cellular telephones. These
messages may be up to 160 characters in length.
HandPHONE SMS sends messages from the Palm™ handheld via your mobile
phone to an SMS message center, which dispatches them to their destination.
Recipients are usually other mobile phones, but some service providers also
allow you to send e-mail and faxes in addition to SMS messages.
HandPHONE allows you to choose message type, but you should check with
your service provider if you intend to send formats other than SMS text
messages. The receiving party’s mobile phone will automatically download
pending SMS messages up to the memory capacity of the phone.
HandPHONE SMS lets you:
Send and receive SMS messages up to 160 characters using your
connected GSM cellular telephone
Store messages locally and delete messages from your phone
Write SMS messages easily
Insert destination numbers right from your handheld’s Address Book
Read and write messages off-line and connect when it’s convenient
To run HandPHONE SMS you will need:
A Palm III™ or more recent handheld, or compatible machine running Palm
OS® 3.0 or higher, with around 105 KB of free storage space
A Windows or Macintosh computer with a HotSync® connection, HotSync
software, and application installer software.
This section describes “manual” installation of the HandPHONE SMS
application file. You may skip directly to Chapter 2 – Getting Started if the
software is already installed on your Palm handheld.
HandPHONE SMS operates entirely on your Palm handheld. After installation,
there is no interaction with your desktop computer. To install the software, you
will need to connect your Palm handheld to your PC or Macintosh computer in
order to run HotSync software and upload the HandPHONE SMS program file.
The instructions given in this section are valid both for Windows and Macintosh
systems. To install HandPHONE SMS:
1. Locate the phonesms.prc file. You may copy the file to your hard disk or
install it directly from your distribution media.
2. Place your Palm handheld in its cradle and make sure the cable is
correctly connected to your Windows or Macintosh desktop computer.
3. Use your mouse to double-click on the phonesms.prc file. This will start the
Palm application installer program.
4. Confirm your selection. HandPHONE SMS will be copied to your Palm
handheld next time you perform a HotSync operation.
5. Next, make sure the HotSync Manager application is active on your
desktop computer, and press the HotSync button on the unit’s cradle to
begin file transfer.
5 *
Start HandPHONE SMS by tapping on the application
icon (shown here on the left) in your Palm™ handheld’s
Applications screen.
The first time you start HandPHONE SMS, you will be prompted to validate
basic SMS settings as shown here:
Default values will work fine in most cases, though you may choose enter the
Service Center Number at this time. You can always come back to this screen
by tapping on Options Ö Message Options on your handheld.
Validity period
Specifies the maximum length of time for which
your message will be allowed to sit at the
message center before being deleted (in case
the recipient’s mobile phone never picks it up).
Message type
Here you may choose between SMS, Fax, or E-
mail. In most cases, you should leave this on
the default SMS, unless your service provider
explicitly supports e-mail and fax services.
Status report...
Service center...
Indicates to the service center that you should
receive notification on the status of your
message. Status reports are sent from the
message center to your mobile phone. Some
phones permit the Palm handheld to check
Status report
Enter the service center (SMS-C) number given
to by your network carrier. Get button retrieves
the current SMS-C from your phone. Set allows
you to copy an SMS-C number to your phone.
Tap OK or Cancel when you are done.
To choose the type of connection between your Palm handheld and your GSM
phone, select Options Ö Profile Setup and tap on the pull-down menu as
shown here:
Old phone - Cable
Serial cable to “early model” cell phones
Old phone - Infrared
Infrared connection to “early model” cell
Recent phone - Cable
Recent phone - Infrared
Serial cable to telephones that use SMS
“Phase 2+”
Infrared connection to telephones that
use SMS “Phase 2+”
Getting started
Tap on OK to confirm your choice. At this point, you may test your connection
by performing any of the operations that exchange data with your phone, as
described in the next sections.
6 8
As mentioned earlier, your mobile phone automatically receives messages
when it is activated. You may read those messages either read directly on your
phone (using its own integrated software) or using HandPHONE SMS, which
offers an interface that is much easier to manipulate.
Follow these steps to retrieve messages:
1. Tap on the Menu icon ( ), select Message Ö Retrieve (or the Graffiti®
stroke R).
2. HandPHONE SMS will connect to your mobile phone and download all
currently available messages, displaying them in a list as shown here:
Using SMS
3. Tap on a message to view it, or perform other actions:
4. An opened message looks like this:
HandPHONE SMS only downloads incoming messages,
not outgoing messages that you may have typed
manually on your phone.
Leaving originals on the phone
By default, messages are removed from the mobile phone after they are
downloaded to your handheld, but you may choose to leave them intact on the
mobile phone:
1. Tap on the Menu icon ( ), select Options Ö Phone Options, (Graffiti
stroke O) to open the screen shown here:
2. Use this check-box to specify whether or not to leave original SMS
messages on your phone as you download them to your handheld.
As mentioned in Chapter 1 – Getting Started, you may need to specify a few
simple configuration options, described here.
1. Select Options Ö Message Options, (Graffiti M) which opens the
screen for configuring outgoing messages:
Using SMS
2. Assign message options accordingly:
Validity period
Message type
Status report...
Specifies the maximum length of time for which your
message will be allowed to sit at your carrier’s
message center before being deleted (in case the
recipient’s mobile phone never picks it up).
Here you may choose between SMS, Fax, or E-
mail. In most cases, you should leave this on the
default SMS, unless your service provider explicitly
supports e-mail and fax services.
Indicates to the service center that you should
receive notification on the status of your message.
Status reports are sent from the message center to
your mobile phone, and are not downloaded to your
Palm™ handheld.
Service center...
Enter the service center (SMS-C) telephone number
given to by your network carrier. The Get button
retrieves the current SMS-C from your phone. Set
allows you to copy an SMS-C number to your
With some early model GSM phones it is important to
enter the SMS service center number in this field, and to
place a check in the box Always set before sending.
You may either configure these options for all subsequent messages (before
creating any outgoing messages), or specifically for a single message (i.e. by
editing message Details after you have created it).
Writing and sending messages
Follow these steps to write and send messages:
1. Select Message Ö New Message, (Graffiti
N) to create a message:
2. Enter a phone number directly on the To field, or tap on To to lookup the
recipient’s phone number in your Address Book:
3. Select a number and tap on Add to return to your message.
Note: Remember that international phone calls require a “+” (plus) sign in
front of the recipient’s phone number.
4. The Name field is for your own convenience and is not sent as part of the
Using SMS
5. Enter your message in the space below Name. SMS messages may be up
to 160 characters, and the Message length counter keeps track of how
many characters you have written.
6. When you are done, tap on the appropriate button to place the message in
either the Outbox (it is ready to send), the Draft folder (to send at a later
time). You may delete this message by tapping Cancel, or re-set
configuration options for this message only by tapping on Details… as
described in the preceding section.
7. To send messages currently in your Outbox, make sure your mobile phone
is turned on and properly connected, then select Message Ö Send All
S) or Send & Retrieve (Graffiti
This section describes how to handle messages in HandPHONE SMS and
how to use the various folders available to you – Inbox, Outbox, Draft, and
Sent. Context sensitive pop-up menus present available options whenever you
tap on a message in any list view.
Incoming messages
When looking at the Inbox list of received messages, you can tap on any
message to open the pop-up window as shown below:
Opens the message so you can read it.
Creates a new message using the sender’s
phone number as the new destination.
Allows you to send a copy of this message to
another recipient.
Removes this message from the list.
Using SMS
Outgoing/sent messages
When you write SMS messages, you may store them into either the Outbox or
the Draft folder.
All messages in the Outbox will be sent the next time you select Message,
Send All (or Send & Retrieve). By tapping on a message in the Outbox you
may edit, move your message to the draft box, or delete it.
Draft Folder
Messages in the Draft folder will not be sent, and may be re-edited at any time.
When you are ready to send a message from the draft folder, you should move
it to the Outbox. You may also choose to edit the message, edit a copy of the
message, or delete the message entirely.
Sent folder
The Sent folder keeps copies of the messages you have sent, whether or not
they were successfully transmitted to the recipient. In the Sent folder, you may
highlight a message in order to view it, move it directly to the Outbox to send
again, move it to the Draft folder to send at a later time, or delete it.
Remember to clean out the Sent folder from time to time
to keep it from using memory unnecessarily.
7 7
An error occurred while encoding the message.
Indicates that non-authorized characters were found in your message -
usually in the message center phone number or the recipient’s phone
number. All invalid characters are replaced with “?”.
An error occurred while saving this message to the database.
Your Palm™ handheld might be out of memory, or the database has been
corrupted. If this message occurs frequently, delete the HandPHONE SMS
application and from your backup directory in the Palm handheld desktop
on your PC or Mac. Then re-install the application.
An error occurred with the GSM connection. Please make sure you are
using the right Connector/Mobile Phone combination, and that they are
Check your setup (Menu Profile setup).
An error occurred while getting storage information.
Check to make sure that your cables and adapter are firmly attached, and
that the batteries are charged.
An error occurred while retrieving.
Check the connection and try again. You may also refresh the display.
An error occurred while sending.
Check the connection and try again.
An error occurred while trying to delete message.
Check the connection and try again. Refresh the display to make sure the
entry is still really present.
Cannot establish connection with mobile phone.
This message indicates a cabling or infrared problem. Check all
connections from your Palm handheld to your mobile phone. If you are
using Infrared, make sure that it is enabled on your phone.
Cannot set the Message Center phone number on your phone.
This command is not supported by all phones, and is not always necessary.
Either your mobile phone is off or HandPHONE SMS cannot access its
Check the connection.
Sorry, there is not enough free memory to perform this operation.
There is not enough memory left in your Palm handheld for HandPHONE
SMS to function. Try deleting unused applications or cleaning out
HandPHONE SMS message folders.
The text contained in this message cannot be saved.
This indicates that HandPHONE SMS encountered non-standard text in
your message, or that there was not enough memory to proceed.
You must fill the recipient's phone number before saving this message.
Messages that you store in the Outbox need to contain the recipient's
phone number.
You must fill the recipient's phone number before moving this message.
Before moving messages to the Outbox you need to make sure to enter the
recipient’s phone number.
You must fill the service center phone number before moving this
Before moving messages to the Outbox you need to make sure to enter the
service center phone number. To avoid this error use Options Ö Message
Options to set the Service Center number permanently.
You must fill the service center phone number before saving this
Messages that you store in the Outbox need to contain the service center’s
phone number. To avoid this error use Options Ö Message Options to set
the Service Center number permanently.
You must fill the service center phone number before saving this
message to the Outbox.
You will receive this message if you try to transfer a message from the Draft
box to the Outbox without specifying the service center phone number. To
avoid this error use Options Ö Message Options to set the Service
Center number permanently.
You must fill the recipient's phone number before saving this message to
the Outbox.
You will receive this message if you try to transfer a message from the Draft
box to the Outbox without specifying the recipient's phone number.
Your account does not allow you to send messages.
Check with your mobile phone carrier.
Your mobile phone is busy. Exit SMS management before using
This message indicates that your mobile phone is currently performing
SMS-related tasks. HandPHONE SMS cannot access the phone in this
case, so you need to exit SMS management and leave the phone in “ready”
Your modem (or phone) does not support SMS.
Some early model GSM phones may not support SMS messaging. Check
the technical specifications for your phone.
8 ,QGH[
Address Book · 12
HotSync · 5
Application installer · 5
Infrared · 7
Configuration · 10
Lookup · 12
Draft · 13
Message length · 13
Message type · 6, 11
Moving messages · 15
Error messages · 16
Draft · 15
Incoming · 14
Outbox · 15
Sent · 15
Outbox · 13
phonesms.prc · 5
Profile Setup · 7
Get · 7, 11
GSM · 4
Retrieve · 8
Send & Retrieve · 13
Send All · 13
Telephone number · 7, 11
To · 12
Serial cable · 7
Service center · 7, 11
Set · 7, 11
Short Messaging Service (defined) · 4
SMS settings · 6
Validity Period · 6, 11
Status report · 7, 11, 14
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